The unicameral, 386-member National Assembly is the highest organ of state authority and initiates and approves legislation sponsored by the prime minister. 国家政府的最高层组织机构是由386成员组成的国民大会(NationalAssembly)。它的创立和立法都是由总理主办的。
No other organ shall be entitled to issue such announcements without the approval of the registration authority. 未经登记主管机关批准,其他单位不得发布企业法人登记公告。
This assembly should function as the supreme organ of state authority to decide on the policies for saving the nation, adopt a constitutional programme and elect the government. 这个大会的职权,应是国家的最高权力机关,由它决定救国方针,通过宪法大纲,并选举政府。
The Croatian Government is the supreme executive and administrative organ of state authority, and is responsible to the Assembly. 克罗地亚政府是国家政权的执行机关,对议会负责。
Poem, the organ publishing of Chinese Writers 'Association, is the poem magazine with most authority. 《诗刊》是中国作家协会的机关刊物,也是中国当代最权威的诗歌刊物。
This chapter will look into the corporate organ: Shareholders Meeting, Board of Directors, Supervisory Board and Company Secretary authority, duty and responsibility as well as conducting a study based on the new additions on company secretary regulations of the United States and the United Kingdom. 本章主要探讨公司机关即股东会、董事会、监事会及公司秘书的权力、义务和责任以及对借鉴英美法系而新增设的公司秘书制度进行研究。
This often causes a problem, that is the authority conflict between the privacy of state organ staff and the civil right to know the truth, because of the overlap of the two authority interest. 这就经常会导致国家机关工作人员的隐私权和公民的知情权因为两个权利所指向的利益内容的重叠而发生权利冲突现象。
Supervision power comes into being along with organ of authority. Its setting is for governmental power and administering officials. It is in a pivotal position in any form of government. 监察权伴随着权力机关的出现应运而生,其权力设置的原因一为治权、一为治官,其在任何政体中都处于举足轻重的地位。
Russian procuratorial organ can be dated back to the period of tsarist Russia in terms of its formation. After the establishment of soviet, procuratorial organ was regarded as legal supervising organ, belonging to judicial authority in view of attributes. 俄罗斯检察机关从其形成渊源上考察,可以追溯到沙俄时期,苏维埃体制确立后,检察机关定位于法律监督机关,在性质上属于司法机关。
In order to meet the management needs of modern society, the organ of authority endows administrative agencies with the power, to formulate rules and regulations. We call it administrative legislation power. 基于同样的原因,为适应现代社会管理的需要,我国权力机关也赋予了行政机关制定法规、规章的权力。
General stockholders 'meeting is an organ of authority of the company, is the shareholders to exercise the rights of shareholders, to realize the corporate governance. 股东大会是公司的权力机构,是全体股东行使股东权利,实现公司治理的地方。
The constitutional supervision of China mainly refers to the supreme organ of authority and its permanent body for other state organs 'supervision. 我国的宪法监督主要指最高权力机关和它的常设机关对于其他国家机关的合宪监督。
The anti-corruption Investigating Organ of our country is Chinese Procurator Organ, which adopts ex officio investigation model based on Civil Law and focus on the role of public power authority in the aspect of detecting the crime of corruption. 我国腐败犯罪侦查机关为检察机关,采用大陆法系的职权主义的侦查模式,在侦查腐败犯罪方面强调公权机关的作用,注重效率。
The state organ staff have the double role, as both the exercise of state public authority and the ordinary natural person in real life. 国家机关工作人员的角色具有双重性,既是国家公权力的行使者,又是生活世界中普普通通的自然人。